I've spent much of my adulthood trying to decide what I want to be when I grow up.

It seemed like every single time I thought I had a grasp on this adulting thing, here comes another change. The moment it seemed I was on a solid path, here comes another life-altering experience or revelation that thrusts me into a new reality.

In terms of my career, I’ve been through the full gamut. I’ve worked in retail, education, nonprofit, fashion, UX design, branding, and even served as a pastor.  Despite the apparent variety, there is a common thread that ties these experiences together. 

Each role I've taken on has been a reflection of different aspects of my identity that revealed new levels of adaptability and versatility.

Despite the external appearance of being “all over the place,” there is a consistent core of values, strengths, and passions that has allowed me to excel in each of these roles, highlighting the consistency of my identity across different professional paths.

Coming to understand the power of identity has inspired and informed my approach to my work in helping others. It has led me to embrace new challenges with confidence, knowing that who I am will guide me through any role, industry, or life circumstance.

Understanding identity has also allowed me to leverage my diverse experiences and skills to better support and empower those I work with. By sharing insights, wisdom, and tools I’ve developed, I aim to help others to recognize the power of their own identities and to embrace their unique strengths to aid them in creating positive impact in their own professional and personal endeavors.

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